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Media Mentions | 09.28.23

Bobby Codjoe Quoted in Law360 on Staying Focused on DEI Efforts

Law360 quoted Bobby Codjoe, Morrison Cohen’s Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, in an article regarding law firms’ determination to remain focused on environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) principles, despite some recent backlash.

The article discussed how ESG efforts – with DEI falling under the social responsibility umbrella – has become politicized in the United States. A recent report found that 8% of business and professional services firms have experienced backlash to their internal ESG efforts. Meanwhile, 165 anti-ESG bills have been introduced across 37 states this year, and two large law firms were hit with lawsuits by a group claiming that the firms' diversity fellowships amount to unlawful discrimination against those who don't qualify for the fellowships.

Despite this recent pushback to ESG, DEI leaders will continue their efforts to create more diverse and inclusive workplaces. Bobby said, “Some mischaracterize DEI efforts as a system of rigid quotas and forced identity-based outcomes. We reject this zero-sum perspective that frames DEI as if one individual's win must come at the expense of another. Instead, we believe the entire firm benefits from our commitment to ensuring all individuals feel welcomed and belong.”

Law360 subscribers, read the full article here.

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Bobby Codjoe, Esq.'s headshot